Men Who Sit On Chairs

Men who sit on chairs send us to war They tell us how to fight They add up the score Men who sit on chairs send us back home Minus one or two or three or four or more Men who sit on Chairs send letters to the bereaved They tell of the heroism of what they have...

Mother dear Mother

Mother help me please I’m cold and hurt and bleeding, I’m all alone and lost, please take me home dear Mother. It’s getting dark I’m in trouble now, I’m sorry Mother, I will eat my supper and go to bed, it’s hurting a lot dear...

The Carrion crow

The carrion crow is bursting Thanks to the young men from Lancashire Gangrenous innards adorning the French valley Mrs Utterbridge at home in Blighty is hungry But the carrion crow is sated Her boy Alec 16 years old went to change the world Beauty and innocence...