No Christmas.

No bright star shining in the east. No table laid for festive feast. No shepherds watching in the field. No parcels bright with ribbon sealed. No warming, spicy, fragrant punch. No roasted turkey Christmas lunch. No figgy pudding, no mince pie. No reindeer flying...

Whadda ya want for Christmas?

Could I have a Breitling watch? I’d rather like a case of Scotch. A weekend please, for two, in Rome. A place that I could just call home. A Sindy doll, with long blond hair. New carpets for the hall and stair. Electric cars on GT track. My son home safely from Iraq....

The Single Soldier’s Kind of Christmas.

We turned a locker on its side, To make a kind of bar. And Smudger cut some tinfoil out, To make a kind of star. Then Oscar took a woodland stroll, To find a kind of tree. When asked how much it cost replied, “To you? It’s kind of free.” Old Chalkie’s Frau made...

The Dragon

I seen this dragon in the sky. I seen its tabs and blood-red eye. I seen its scales and seen its wings I seen its bum and dangly things. And then I seen it belchin’ smoke. And trumpin’ little bits of coke. And weein’ red-hot jets of steam. And then I woke up from me...

Night Whispers

I sometimes hear the whisper of my softly spoken name. Sometimes I hear them tapping, upon the window frame. Or I can see their shadows dart, like the flicker of a flame. And then I hear them, temptingly, invite me to their game. The sceptics queue to tell me, that...