
by | Jun 8, 2010 | Poetry | 0 comments

Alarm clock rings, reach for the snooze
He’s there inside my head
Get out of bed, get washed and dressed
He’s there inside my head

Go downstairs, feed the dog
He’s there inside my head
Fill the kettle, make a brew
He’s there inside my head

Make the breakfast, pack the lunches
He’s there inside my head
Leave the house, off to work
He’s there inside my head

In the car, the same old journey
He’s there inside my head
Clock on at work, the phone starts ringing
He’s there inside my head

Lunch time comes, time for a break
He’s there inside my head
Another meeting, same old same old
He’s there inside my head

Time to go, thank god that’s over
He’s there inside my head
On the motorway, sights set for home
He’s there inside my head

Home at last, make the tea
He’s there inside my head
Wash the dishes, make the lunches
He’s there inside my head

Read a book with the youngest child
He’s there inside my head
Get ready for school and work again
He’s there inside my head

Pyjamas on, youngest off to bed
He’s there inside my head
Time to relax, watch a bit of TV
He’s there inside my head

Another day over, time for bed
He’s there inside my head
Switch off the light, lay down to sleep
He’s there inside my head

Sleepless night, alarm clock rings
He’s there inside my head
Another day begins, the same as the last
He’s there inside my head


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