Our Blog

First Circle

We stood in a circle And drank milk from bottles I walked to the middle And sicked on the mat My first day at school I felt such a fool And had an aversion To milk after that


Trapped in a circle Have to get out Build up the pressure Force an eruption Through the perimeter Like a volcano Causing disruption Walk on the surface Round the parameter Of the circumference Back to the crater Through which I fall To where I started Inside the circle


“Breaking News” that’s what the headlines said; the TV presenter regrets to announce another soldier has been shot in Afghanistan and is now dead. Before it sinks in and a conscious thought is formed they tell us that the next of kin have been informed. By the next...


He rises every morning Showers ,shaves and shines his shoes Them things they call ablutions 'cause that's what soldiers do His clothes are smart and pressed His hair is cropped and grey He cares about appearance 'cause that's the soldiers way Never late for his...


A soldier was cleaning his medals when his daughter came up to see what he was doing. Dad what’s that one for, is that one you got for a war? No weeyin that’s what they called a campaign in a place called the Province where the whole thing made no sense. We went over...

Deep Joy

Today I had a hundred quid And wondered what to buy It's just before Christmas time All the stores are piled high There are things all "techy" And things of great beauty too In fact so many lovely things I just didn't know what to do I went then on the internet and...