Our Blog

Losing a Child

When I lost my child It crushed my broken heart You don’t expect to lose a child You don’t expect to be apart It was so unexpected For my child I idolized How do you come to terms? When one of your children dies Who do you blame for the pain? That you feel deep down...

Step By Step

In truth the band play'd on; may sound cliché When stepping out alone leaves one exposed In partnership we waltzed thro’ each new day Didst follow every lead I hath proposed Once sensing you at hand, no more relates No more the warmth of touch midst winters chill...

Is it Hogmanay

In days gone by the written word In rhyme was accepted well Stories of life and fiction But nowadays it's hard to tell Eager eyes would scan the pages Looking for something new But now it seems the interest has waned For readers there are few So as we forward wander...

Silence Reigned

Unspoken words as held within one’s heart Mean so much more than I dare choose to say Should e’er by grace therein, new genus start Sweet fragrant prose may bloom to form bouquet First seeds were sown when act of kindness swayed In understanding of said ‘Lonely...

Graduating Steps

To walk before one runs, applies thro’ time By taking stock of all such choices made Initial plunge may prove less mountain climb; More treading water, as in plans hath stay’d Then inspiration calls to lift thine heart For betterment of self, in years ahead...

In Adversity (For all PTSD sufferers)

As fair weather friends in droves peel away Confronted alone; our future’s unclear Where all didst chip in; aye “Back in the day” Now singular paths, leave life more austere Loads are for sharing; a burden relieved No task insurmountable, should we choose Helping...