Our Blog

Will You Still Need Me?

When I get tired of washing my hair wiping soap from brow, Will you still be checking out my high hairline counting grey hairs, one at a time If I should pray and ask to be free would you “Wipe the floor” Will you release me, why would you keep me? “When I yearn for...

To Glimpse Our Loss

A bearded stranger decked in red just smiled as I walked by I acknowledged with a nod, in hoped for acquiescent ploy Twelve strides more I turned to glance yet could but only heave a sigh The strangest feeling filled my heart, ‘twas one of overwhelming joy This day...

I Come From

I come from slum clearance, waiting forever for posterity and re-generation the men at the bookies and the bar and the women and kids just survived washing day on Monday’s and back to backs I come from riddled streets, hammering, woodbines and smog I come from Co-op...

I Pine for Thee

Beyond a forest glade midst woodland sprawl Awaiting on the season of goodwill Here planted long ago; as fates befall Neath snow drifts touched by bite of winter’s chill Perhaps our numbered game leaves nought to chance Such plentiful supply of Christmas cheer Tho’...

Snap Dragons

I ventured forth ‘twixt labyrinthine streets Replete with ‘fair trade’ bag and open mind My aim to gather in some Christmas treats Whilst searching out the wares of varied kind At “Toys ‘R’ Us” ‘twas fun, tho’ noisy too “Agent Provocateur” suspended dreams In choosing...


I’ve never been in battle Stumbling through the mud Or heard machine-guns rattle Seen comrades soaked in blood I’ve never had to suffer In cold or driving rain Numbing all my senses Seen sacrifice and pain But one thing I am sure of That war will have it’s day We must...