Our Blog

Gas Warfare in WWI

My eyes are streaming as I stumble around, “What's happening Sarge?” is the only sound. The guns are silent but the noise still great, Men's voices cry out, not knowing their fate. Bodies underfoot, I trip and I fall, Over comrades and rifles, over wire and wall. I...


Let us stand together in the fight against tyranny Let us stand true Let us stand together in pursuit of freedom from oppression Let us stand resolute Let us stand together and strive for equality Let us stand Proud Let us stand for the right to freedom of speech Let...

“Eyes Left” (repost)

With sideways glance they bid a last farewell Alone in thought among respectful throng Whilst striding by, their image casts a spell So many who dared brave to right what’s wrong Such names engraved in stone and on their heart Shown in relief; yet undercover kept Mean...

Try Try Again

In those times of trouble, Which many I have had, Sometimes I ask my mum, Sometimes I ask my dad Sometimes I ask my friends, Sometimes to God I pray, Sometimes I hope for a better life, Hope for a better day. In those times of trouble, However difficult they come I...

“Chemo Sabe”

When all seemed lost, didst ride out into fray Couldst still yet prove to be most faithful friend In taking steps to cleanse my form this way Said ‘silver bullet’ finds own path to wend Tho’ low is now the point at which I lie “Hi-Ho” ‘tis shout within, proceeds...

“It’s the Soldier”

A protest raged on a courthouse lawn, Round a makeshift stage they charged on, Fifteen hundred or more they say, Had come to burn a Flag that day. A boy held up the folded Flag, Cursed it, and called it a dirty rag. An OLD MAN pushed through the angry crowd, With a...