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The Cemetery Poem

A sea of grey What a price to pay A long time has passed, but our memories should last. Rows of the very brave, their lives they gave. They died for us, their bodies lie in the graves today, most still nameless. So wear your poppy with pride, for all those brave men...

To Run With The Hare…

Those wrens that dart there by the tree Could there some deeper meaning be? An allusion that of some truth might seek Of some profound emotion speak. You think that fewer words would do (Was this composed for me, not you.) And, then, again the Muse might come And off...

Love at Sunset

Gazing into the distance Where the Sky and Ocean seem to meet Twilight wends it’s weary way Another night to greet The daylight fading fast now Blue clouded heaven tinged with gold Creating a perfect background Of a beautiful Sunset to behold Viewed by two young...


And even now I sit and dream Not knowing how it might have been Exactly where we two did meet Which hour, which second, on which street Perhaps in summer, spring or fall Or even if we met at all Eventually my dreams of you May one day prove to be untrue


As I sit and look at the scene before me In the chill of the evening air Enjoying the peace and tranquillity Without a worry or care Totally entranced by the wonders I see As the details I start to note The calmness of the water in the river Creating an atmosphere so...


Sitting by the water at the end of the day I closed my eyes for awhile Thinking of how time was passing by Not noticed by the rank and file Of a society living life as best they might With what seems like the speed of light And here am I sat at the waterside As yet...