Our Blog

The Soldier’s Legacy

‘Since I joined the Army I’ve saved enclosed £2 All my belongings, at Nairn, are gifted too…’ The High Road Home the dead must take Where kith by hearth by lychgate wait. And should I, too, forfeit my life- My blood I gave for you, and Christ…

To the front

To the front to the front we were sent to the front as canon fodder we just young men and boys To the front to the front we moved up to the front for over the top were we bulits flying cracking of bombs as over the top we went and all to gain ground we once had lost...


The country's mood was sombre, The prophecy was of doom, Britain was preparing for war, Her island shrouded in gloom. The war would be over by Christmas, Or so we were all informed. We didn't know it would last for years Or how many men would be mourned. Men and boys...

Landscapes of the Mind.

The aspect of the sky was grey And cast its gloom upon the day. However light of heart the mood The mountains silent, brooding stood. Derwent Island in quiet seclusion sits The mists deceive the eye with tricks. A spectral presence on Cat Bells The lonely traveller...

Faite, to the Garden of Skye

The Isle of Skye awaits your coming The tides of Portree Bay are turning. When you alight upon the shore A welcome’s there at every door. The coronach of seagulls in the bay The pipes that for those lost souls play. The corries where the wild flowers grow The River...


It's remarkable when we come to realise How much we can see when we really use our eyes The beauty of the setting sun in a sparsely clouded sky. The first rays of the sun in the morning shining on snowflakes drifting by. Children happily playing with their toboggans...