Our Blog

Somme Day Soon (No quarter given) – repost

Here shakes the ground nearby my pounding head Remiss the thoughts I hold; canst understand? Tho odds diminish with our mounting dead Small comfort’s gleaned from numbers game at hand Whilst whistled ‘trr..iiii..ing’ from rounds won’t let me be Each Prayer is for the...

Marching to the Front Line

(Night before) Smiling for the camera; fools! Oh little you know, of tomorrow. Majors, General’s, Government Misinforming – ‘gung ho, what ho! Enjoy your adventure lads’. Blind (Next day) Slither of dawn – shouts ring out ‘Over the top – on your feet my lads Make em...

Brave-Hearts of Midlothian

Exploding ground doth shake, with earth heaved high Above such wispy clouds as hold no rain Both ‘Lochnagar and Y Sap’ kiss goodbye To foe who are entrenched, (midst hurt and pain) Yet still at ’Zero Hour’ - our planned advance Is met by ‘hail of fire’ from same...

“Do Not Barter With Life”

What e’er elite may wish as “way to go” Monopolising each and every move 'The People’ seek no more than “quid pro quo” No need of hoarding wealth, with point to prove One’s life means so much more, if not for gain Considering the needs of fellow man To share and share...

Do you want Mint Sauce with that?”

I dream of days when Lamb was plentiful Antipodean fare (beyond compare) When joints of meat once proved presentable Unlike said ‘cuts’ which left our plates so bare Bananas too (irregular of size) From o’er the seas, wouldst land upon our shores Set sail with fabrics...

“Light of Life”

When drapes were drawn what light there was, twas you No need of lamp (as perched on table round) No need of candle’s glow midst ‘bill and coo’ Forever each (as bathed in sweet surround) A room so filled with love, naught else could hold Where thoughts on life didst...