Our Blog
I woke early in the morning and nothing could be heard But as I listened carefully I could hear the singing of a bird It was the early morning chorus bidding welcome to the day And listening to its singing that bird was heard to say Wake up, wake up everybody the sun...
As we walked down that country lane I felt I would not be the same The two of us were hand in hand Both unaware what fate had planned How innocence had led the way To be together on that day We marvelled at the azure sky As butterflies and birds flew by Our senses...
So they signed a bloody armistice In nineteen-forty-five And the soldiers all came home again Those which were still alive. Our army was in tatters Reduced to very few And the P.M. called the cabinet To see what they should do. Discussions seemed quite endless And...
Just off the M4 motorway, there's a Wiltshire market town, It's name will be historical, and will wear a Royal Crown, Four years have simply flown, not many weeks pass by, We've not heard of Wootton Bassett, no matter how we try. This all changed spontaneously, four...
The Beginning of Civilisation
The Ice Age, the Iron Age and the Bronze Age, Have all contributed to the development of man, But it is still less than six thousand years, When civilisation as we know it first began. Up to that time man had hunted, and collected herbs and berries, What they had to...
“Make your Mark”
Cacophony of sound assaults mine ears When e’er our leaders vie to hog limelight No manners they display with hurtful smears By pressing home their party line, through slight In ‘power play’ with thoughts of each opined Tho points are scored (not one will count as...