Our Blog

“The Flag which Braved the Battle and the Breeze”

Twas second rate (as rated) ‘Ship of Line’ Just one of four didst mind Lord Nelson’s stern Atop its mast twud fly the feared ‘Ensign’ Whilst teaching lesson Villeneuve must learn Here paddle steamer tugs; bereft ‘mainbrace’ Tho Turner reinstates with licensed brush...

Roar of Defiance

With young engaged in matters aired by state Regarding Union ‘joined’ in days of yore Twud seem to be for some a tad too late For them to right such wrongs as passed through lore Yet days ahead are soon to be revealed Enfranchised they’ve become, no more unheard Said...

Shot By My Own Army

I sit alone in my own world For I know for me that the clock is ticking Its endless movement through time Till I shall be no more. My crime you ask? I failed my task I ran instead of fighting. They called me a coward They stripped me of my rank. They could do no more...


Why am I in this state? Many of my mates are the same. Many have died Why? Many of us and partners have cried Because our babies have died Why? We were given injections The MoD said they were a must Why? We were told they were safe But this was a lie Why? Tablets as...

Too Late the Day

Whilst troubled World still gathers dust on shelf Reacting to said factions bent on harm Tho’ muted in response; at odds with self Tis practised form; helps nullify alarm Regrets (we’ve had a few) along the way Procrastinating; heads bowed ‘Neath the sand Each one of...

The (final) Last Supper

Here seated now at table spread, in thrall At words of guest invited to partake Twas met whilst strolling home, as I recall From whence He came; who cares ‘for Heaven’s sake’ “Our Master’s gone and since hath been forlorn” We ventured as excuse for our visage “A...