Our Blog

“Nae mair talkin”

If heart doth rule ain heid, shouldst then submit? Embrace the ride whit e’er oor senses say Or else take stock, afore we cause tae split Step back, consider implications;......... weigh All options serve tae complicate known choice Where each somehow seems justified...

An Independent Sunrise

Yon ramparts bathed in light o’er Norham (Tweed) Twud set one’s heart aglow, espied through time To sense what Turner saw, hath sowed the seed In countless landscapes; castles past their prime Yet tales to tell exist behind its walls Here once an army by “The Bruce”...

Monarch with a full ‘Rack’

Majestic in his stance ‘au natural’ Doth roar out loud, to all who browse nearby Should they in turn have thoughts; irrational Inciting of his wrath, in ‘non comply’ Our ‘King of all surveyed’ may bide his time Whilst slowly raising ‘rack’ (of antlers) proud...


Our respect is boundless, our hearts filled with pride But saddness gathers round us, as we remember those left behind Our Comrades who fell into life’s darkness, stand forever erect above Straight and true today, as those we knew and loved Their victory over death...

Remembrance Day Poem

Our existents relying on the coming together of nations, while the ghosts of the fallen look down upon our troubled mines, their guidance of love for all, our eternal peace secured. Unite all government with good intentions, their laying down of arms, the sacrifice of...

‘Wheels of History’ (roll on)

As Regal carriage borne through crowds of yore Now buoy’d by timber frame of ‘Mary Rose’ King Henry’s pride sails on as ne’er before To Parliament; where yon said river flows From flagship of our famed ‘Trafalgar’ fleet This Crown was carved in ‘Victory’ (held high)...