Our Blog


I saw the sun rise today And as I looked towards the sky My thoughts turned to those men and boys Their hearts so filled with pride Marching off to serve their King With a smile and a wave They never knew what awaited them But still they were so brave The fear, the...


As our hearts beat Just as theirs would Will they forever stay In there? All the suffering is over And death, missing men All of it now will be no more As they fell for us As our hearts beat Just as theirs would Will they forever stay In there? Great grandfathers we...


Life is full of complexity With variety but not concise Every day filled with some challenge perhaps Some days good and some not so nice When problems appear on the horizon There are various way to cope Some will act instinctively Others may give up hope And at this...

The Bicycle

The Walking Machine all those year ago Was invented by Baron von Drais in 1817 Sitting astraddle a frame with two wheels Transport that world had ne’er before seen Just walking along , so to speak on a seat Or a saddle it later became known to most And took all the...

The Church of St James

Standing there sedately Over Oh! so many years The background to lots of happiness And also grief and tears Completely set in isolation Within railings to form the boundary fence People use it’s Hallowed halls for prayer Others their souls to recompense A stately...


Today, the army asked for more, He’s just seventeen, when he walked out the door, “Everyone’s fine”, he would write and say. Son, please write you’re coming home, Our thoughts are with you, For what you’ve done. Many months went by, until one day, “Madam, I am sorry...