I was waiting patiently for the postman to arrive Waiting for the post always filled me with expectation I always hoped that he would bring me a surprise Such as news of a bequest from a long lost relation At last I heard the footsteps on the drive Then I heard the...


Yesterday we said that today would be tomorrow And tomorrow we shall say that today was yesterday And though we may think of tomorrow as our future Tomorrow, today will be part of our history We can sit back and reflect upon our history Or even wonder what the future...

Parthenope’s Sister – (Florence)

No Nightingale e’er trill’d sweet song as she When educated Sister caught one’s ear In answer to God’s call, her plea twud be “Give hope to strick’n soldiers in Crimea” Thru Nursing didst propose to ease their pain Midst training hand pick’d staff to fight...

A Working Class Hero is Something to Be” – (Jimmy Reid)

“A race for rats, an’ that’s no who we are; we’re Men wie pride, who seek but honest work” – “Whilst ye may trim tae bone an’ chew cigar, we’ve borne the brunt a’ cuts an’ didnae shirk” – “Enough’s, enough” twas cry heard o’er quayside When talk a’ closure...

“I Plead the Fifth”

“One’s right to silence must not be infringed” As founding Fathers ‘stated’ long ago For truth (as last resort) on this law hinged Whilst others pressed for answers even so Incrimination may result from same As uttered phrase can’t then in turn, retract...