Oh! To be in Essex now that Autumn’s here

As one travels the lanes and byways Of a rural community The changing signs of the Seasons Are very plain to see You’ve seen Spring come and go With Tulips and Daffodils galore With Regal Camelias and colourful Magnolias As Summer comes to the fore Trees are in...

Beating Heart

Inside every heart There is a special place Where’in lie those memories That time cannot erase There are memories of joy And memories of pain Recollections of first love You’ll never feel again There are memories of loved ones Now a long time gone And...


Why us, Why us, the soldier asked As onward the ammunition he passed Because we’re here, because we’re here Now do up that button and show no fear Defend you now that red white and blue For that’s all Victoria asked of you Behind your meally bags and...

The way it used to be

Oh how I long for Christmas The way it used to be With paper chains and tinsel And presents on the tree The turkey roasting slowly The boiling brussel sprout A glass of Bristol sherry That’s what it’s all about Christmas carols on the radio And falling...


Oim troiing to find Cornwall And when Oi stop to ask Oi gets the answer from Jethro and Denzil And their ole mate Slipalong Trevask lol Now Oi’ve come across the Tay at Plymouth Hoe Saltash is on the other side Then on to Lostwithiel and Looe and Bodinnick Cos...