I’ve been on that road to no-where Stood by that dark shrouded lake Where hopes and dreams are abandoned When life gets too hard to take I’ve stood on that mythical corner Deciding to go or return Felt desolation inside me And looked for bridges to burn How easy to...

“With pen in hand, my thoughts I give”

Tis not the love professed nor pledge that’s made In declaration or thru written word Tis not a line expressed which helps persuade Tho what one hopes to say, may be inferred What e’er appears as truth flows from the heart Connecting dreams replenished by held quill...


Oh the silence that forms a rift Between those who have a certain gift The bitterness so hard to ease Between the friends that we displease Oh for just a simple word To counter acts that were absurd Break the spiral of discontent And stop the anger that we vent...

The Sweetheart

In grief she came to stand alone to gaze upon the names in stone, the perished in the wars of man from Passchendaele to Afghanistan. Then lowering her gentle head she whispered to her heart and said “Jack wasn’t vain or hard, just kind, a friend so quietly...

“La Bella Luna”

When once thou held the gaze of Bards gone by Such influence encouraged thoughtful prose Sweet words poured forth (twud light up evening sky) In overtures to love they did compose Whilst imperfections showed on cratered face Twas lyrical they waxed about such scars...

“Step Inside Love (and stay)”

From hat-check girl in cloakroom guise, twud rise To heights of fame beyond her wildest dreams From humble roots (tho came as no surprise) To all who chanced across her path, it seems From heady days in ‘Cavern Club’ didst soar To reach the very pinnacle of ‘Charts’...