by Mick Wilby | Aug 3, 2015 | Poetry
We wanted to be soldiers, And so we joined that band Of brothers, British soldiers, our freedom to defend. They taught us to be steadfast, To march in perfect ranks, And how to face the enemy, with our rifles, guns and tanks. They trained our minds, how not to care,...
by Richard Gildea | Jul 31, 2015 | Poetry
A force betwixt exists (tho lies unseen) Where neither energy nor light exude Yet still remains unknown, (has always been) Twud seem an inescapable conclude Tis elemental how it was composed Non-baryonic form to fill the void? At least that’s what our boffins hath...
by Ross de Freitas | Jul 20, 2015 | Poetry
I am a british army veteran, Once I stood to take an oath, I signed a cheque of no amount For queen and country both I never fought in combat, But stood beside a few, Who did and some of which, You may have even knew. We trained to stand our ground, And fight unto the...
by Richard Gildea | Jul 18, 2015 | Poetry
Walt Disney swears he was not GOOFYng off In giving Mickey Mouse a mongrel pet No words couldst spout and bark resembled cough Compared to talking hound ‘when paired duet’ Downgraded hath become (as twas namesake) A ‘Toon Town’ silent part; without refrain When...
by Dennis Shrubshall | Jul 14, 2015 | Poetry
Nobody is born with an angry mind It’s something connected with Life Sometimes brought on by carelessness And sometimes trouble and strife As children we are taught the meaning of respect Treat others as you would wish they treat you With understanding and compassion...
by David Killelay | Jul 6, 2015 | Poetry
Should all our Prayers bring hope for peace for world wide conflicts all to cease An end to wars around the globe brought by one wearing a simple robe or Arab headdress simply worn or one who wore a crown of thorn Those who’s prayers rise from minaret or steeple...