
by | Feb 19, 2008 | Poetry | 0 comments

Did you have an accident?
Have you had a fall?
Don’t worry it’s compensation for all

Open the paper
Or read a magazine
They have loads of adverts
For all to be seen

Did you fight with honour?
And stare into the enemies eyes
No I fell over pissed
And twisted my ankle

Don’t worry about that
It’s compensation for all

So I will ask you the question
What of our heroes
Who go to war?
Will they be compensated?
And rewarded so well
I think the answer is
Do they hell

So look to yourself
And ask why
This country is so mad
Why has it got so bad?

We live in a ME society
Who want it for free?
Have we forgotten the ones?
Who laid down their lives?
To make it all possible?

So stop thinking about ME
And look out for each other
It’s only a twisted ankle
Which didn’t happen under fire?


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