For my Grandad

by | Mar 18, 2008 | Poetry | 0 comments

Why do you do it grandad? When you know it upsets you so
Every year you march in London, tell me why do you need to go?
You stand in the cold for hours just waiting for your turn
When you march past with the others tell me why do you look so stern?

I remember asking you these questions last November
All you said to me was, it’s a time for us all to remember
You told me I was too young to know of the horrors of war
You then wrapped up your medals and put them back in the drawer

When you passed away I got your medals out
I now why there were things you never talked about
Although I have never fought and hope I never will
I can now understand why for 2 minutes everyone stands still

Don’t worry grandad I promise you I will wrap up warm
When early in the morning, 3 ranks we will form
I will wear your medals with pride on the right side of my chest.
When I march, I will remember, you, and all the rest


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