
by | Jun 14, 2008 | Poetry | 0 comments

Over the sea I heard you calling…calling…
Echoing evocatively.
And onto the waves I saw you falling…falling…
In sunset’s solemnity.

Over the land I heard you crying…crying…
In fated melancholy.
And unto the earth I saw you dying…dying…
And changed for eternity.

Over the mountains I heard you sighing…sighing…
In pained futility.
And up on the hill I saw you trying…trying…
To be where you wanted to be.

Now over the plains I hear you laughing…laughing…
In abandoned hilarity.
And in the meadow I see you smiling…smiling…
With a peaceful liberty.

Within the trees I hear you murmuring…murmuring…
In blissful serenity.
And all the flowers I see you painting…painting…
In bright coloured harmony.

In the deep rivers I hear you singing…singing…
In joyful ecstasy.
And on the lake I see you dancing…dancing…
To nature’s pure symphony.

On the breeze I hear you whispering…whispering…
In sensual intimacy.
And upon the wind I see you winging…winging…
Returning. Forever…to be with me.


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