No time for Fire works with Loud report
The Busy staff of “Home Support”
Out and about in the “Early Hours”
For Clients Baths & Clients Showers
Support for homes, near and far
Travelling miles in private car
Ring the Office to open the door
Fearing someone on the floor
Wait for Medics given a shout
Stop where you are and hang about
Lunch to get and cup of tea
In your nightdress, “Goodness Me”
Yes my dear I’m really fine
Can’t seem now, to see the time
Waiting at door nearly quitted
Not informed, client admitted
No one in at stated Hours
Gone in town to buy some flowers
No time to skive, no time to scoff
Have to work on my day off
Another long week it doesn’t seem fair
That’s no problem, its BECAUSE WE CARE
Carry on just like you “Aughter”
We love you lots our favourite Daughter