I live in hope

by | Aug 21, 2008 | Poetry | 0 comments

I live in hope that people
Will in communion be…
To satisfy the need for all
And live in harmony.
A mellowness possessing…
Of thoughts in quietude…
And calm and peaceful blessing
Is found in solitude.

I live in hope that fear
Of vices and of sin…
Will cease…and gracious honour
Will ultimately win.
To reach the highest aims thereof…
And good virtues so inspire…
Of faith and trust, respect and love,
For things we can admire.

I live in hope that freedom
Will everywhere abound.
And from war and want and hunger
Solutions will be found.
With compassion in good measure…
And a warm civility…
That lives are lived in pleasure
And in sweet serenity.

I live in hope that justice
For all will be achieved…
And from wickedness and malice
Everyone will be relieved.
To live within a world that’s fair…
With a contented mind.
To drink of the font of goodness there,
For the sake of humankind.

I live in hope that nature
Will never be destroyed…
And the beauty of its treasure
For all will be enjoyed.
The blessings of each season…
The benefits they bring…
To understand the reason
For every living thing.


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