I Will Hold Your Hand

by | Apr 7, 2008 | Poetry | 0 comments

While you go through this dark time

I will hold your hand

I cannot take away this burden

But at least I can let you know

You are not alone

I am here



Always listening

For you must learn from this

Become the butterfly

For interference makes you weak

Makes you expect to many miracles

When you had the strength to overcome

By your own will

I will hold your hand

When you walk into the lions den

When others betray you

Hate you

Berate you

For though I cannot tell them to desist

For you are one of mine

I can be there

As you take the steps

That they would have fallen and faltered in

I will hold your hand

When death strikes

Loss beckons at your door

And when the darkness finally takes you

So that you will not be alone

When finally you are called back

To the very source that you came from

I will hold you hand

When you stand before your God

Whatever form you believe them to be

Stand beside you when the words are spoken

Stand beside you when fear overtakes you

Stand beside you wherever you are sent

For whatever reason

I will sing your praises to the zenith of heaven

For you tried your best

With the life you were given

And dared to make the journey with me

Holding your hand


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