Just Taking a Walk

by | Jan 1, 2006 | Poetry | 0 comments

Woke up this morning with an aching head,
The quilt hardly covering the form in the bed,
Slowly trying to put my feet on the ground,
This is senseless to the toilet I’m bound.

After spewing up last nights beer,
Feeling better head is now clear,
About your drinking dear we really must talk,
Yes dear later I’m off for a walk.

I walked through Rolleston with the old Nissan huts,
Then I walked into Belfast seen what was left of someone’s GUTS,
I walked in Paderborn in damn near every Pub,
I got my head stoved in, in the City Club.

I walked in Tidworth where the Pubs are few,
The Ram & CountryClub to name but two,
I walked in Warminster in a bar called the Chimes,
A bloody good stagger to Harmon Lines.

I walked in Munster I’ll tell you this now,
Where I met a girl now known as Frau,
I walked in Soltau exercise was always a hassle,
I walked in Hohne and Fallingbostel.

You may be thinking what’s this idiot on about,
Walking and talking like a gibbering lout,
So as tongue’s waggle and start to talk,
I tell you now I’M JUST TAKING A WALK.


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