Our Son’s

by | May 19, 2006 | Poetry | 0 comments

He is gentle, kind and caring,
A giant amongst men,
He cares, he gives, and he loves
He’s gone to war!

Jeans and T-shirt
That’s my son
Full of life
Full of fun
He’s gone to war!

His smile is oh so gentle
His eyes are full of love
Protect and keep him safe
I pray to god above
He’s gone to war!

Combats, helmet and a gun
Is that soldier really my son?
Gone to serve and protect
Hearing the cries for help
He’s gone to war!

I look beyond the battle dress
Deep into his eye’s
Full of laughter, love and care
Yes that is my son in there!
He’s gone to war!

Miles apart but still I will stand
By your side, I will hold your hand
I love you too much to let you go
We have gone to war!


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