
by | Jul 28, 2008 | Poetry | 0 comments

’tis written in the book of life
The dog is the man’s best friend
But if you take one for a pet
Where will it all end
The next thing you know
There’ a cat in the house
Ready to pounce
On an unexpecting mouse
Which into the house
Did accidentally stray
Not knowing there was a puss
Waiting for a game to play
So out in the garden
A rabbit hutch erected
To hold another pet or two
In case the others are rejected
But why just have a rabbit
Have a guinea pig ,so meak
And before the day is out
You’ll get used to the perpetual squeak
Then when it gets to Summer
And holidays you plan
Don’t give a thought to all your pets
Just take them round to Grandad & Nan


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