Safe working from the floor
I’m perfectly safe working from the floor .
I’ve worked at height on Emley Moor
To trim an Apple tree is not an Arm Wrestle
I wouldn’t have to use a trestle,
A stack of metal would act as my floor
Then I could get busy with my Saw
Finishing the job without a care , the temporary floor moved
I flew through the Air
Landing like an ex steel fixer
i came a cropper on the concrete mixer
Bruised Ego and knuckles ,
plus bleeding from head
Some men my age would have finished up dead
The swelling will go down
a Small scar will show
And with the friends Ive got
David Killelay
(An ex Sappers story told to me)
And thanks for sharing with us.
Thank you Jan
Good to know your still plodding on kind regards to Mac , Tom and all