The Dawn

by | Jul 12, 2024 | Poetry | 1 comment

July twenty seventh two thousand and nine
A mammogram check, well worth the time
I wait in the car so I don’t have to pay
Then Debs made that call on her mobile to say

I might have the cancer, (I heard her voice shake)
The seconds took minutes, please let me awake?
I leapt from the car and went to her side
I found her and held her together we cried

The shock was intense the disbelief real
We sat in our bubble unsure how to feel
We then had to wait, go back in and see
Were they correct or were we now free

We sat there outside as we waited to hear
The news we all think will never come near
We went in the room and they said all the words
We thanked them and left them and set off homewards

And then to our children we now had to go
To tell them the news letting bravery show
Deb told our son and he held her so tight
Our rock on that day and he said that we’d fight

I went to get Heather and tell her the news
Her work said no problem forget all the rules
She came out of work and she sat by my side
She got such a shock, we hugged and we cried

The worst of the feelings that hit me that day
Was the fear in Debs eyes, “I’m frightened” she’d say
I couldn’t defend her, I couldn’t protect
How do I fight what I can not affect?

My Debbie is wonderful sweet and so kind
A friend of all people none nicer you’ll find
So why did God do this why did he allow
The cancer to visit my girl and right now

I don’t understand and I don’t want to know
I’m angry I’m frightened but can’t let it show
My upbringing said that men are so strong
I feel my heart breaking so that theory’s wrong


The lump is removed and my Deb is back home
I lay with her daily just us two alone
We lay here and cuddle each other so much
We’re quickly becoming the other ones crutch

The kids are fantastic they each do their bit
They help with the chores and with their Mum sit
They’re wonderful people so good and so fine
I’m proud every day to know they are mine

The month is now August the day twenty fifth
We go back tomorrow with upper lip stiff
The results they will tell us there’s nowhere to hide
Please God be good news for my beautiful bride

To be continued…………………..

On the 27th July 2009 my wife Debbie was diagnosed with breast cancer. We were all shocked and upset, and we have all started on this new journey together, and this is the story so far….

1 Comment

  1. Mac

    An old poem of mine, but I noticed it had disappeared from the site somehow, so I added it again.
    I did begin to write part two, but I ran out of steam.


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