by | Jan 25, 2008 | Poetry | 0 comments

For months I have trained
Through fear and excitement
I remember tin city
The bricks and the rain
The scenarios and pain

You stand at the gate
Awaiting your fate
The guard lets out a smile
He will see you in awhile
You hear the word go
Out the gate you must go
Move fast and low
Watching everyone as you go

We patrol through tin city
The crowd starts to grow
I try not to tremble at their assemble
Follow me comes the cry
We move to the pigs

Before you know it’s raining bricks
Those f****** pricks
I feel the thud that wasn’t a dud
My body aches and I wince with the pain
Watch out boys here come’s the fire rain
The petrol bombs start to land
Doesn’t it look grand?
The shields start to buckle

Once battle is done
Those f****** pricks have had their fun
We start to run
We head for the gate
Our safety our salvation
But hold on boys there’s still more fun

A blast bomb goes off
We lie on the ground and pretend to be hurt
False screams fill the air
The DS look on in despair

Then all off a sudden
It is for real I am there
I stand at the gate and look at the RUC officer
He doesn’t smile
I look to myself and think F****


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