Forget me not he said to me My love so pure and true Forget me not sweet wood anemone As I take my leave of you For a soldier blue I am to be And it’s off to war I go Across the wide and deep blue sea To a land I do not know Forget me not till I return And save a...


They come briefly, once a year To grace our fields with delicate flair Bursting forth in red aplomb Peaceful, and yet all aflame, In celebration and remembrance I catch my breath, as I espy Upon my walk, a sea of poppies Regale mine...


Mother Nature surrounds us in all her glory No author could write such a wondrous story A Mills and Boon romance Swans’ necks entwined on a shimmering lake A mystical tale Of snakes swaying, hypnotically staring A mystery thriller Whose footprints break the virgin...


He died alone in a furnished room A crumpled duvet lay cold upon his form In the kitchen, an inherent reminder of a simple, Last unhurried meal, micro waved for one Grains of rice, defying removal remain their still Shelf upon shelf of escapism from reality James Bond...


The sea appears ghostlike From under the blanket of mist Its waves gently rising Gently falling, until….. It stealthily reaches the shore Encroaching; Encompassing; Possessing all within its grasp Until….. At the turn of the tide It leaves as ghostly and As gently as...