Charmer’s Grin

Words go unheard Emotions are not felt Eyes of deepest desire A heart that will not melt Lustful fingers treading Waiting for their turn To sing a song within The heart they’ve no concern Packaged love songs Released through lips that lie Underneath a charmer’s grin...

I’m Done!

I’m done Listening to your excuses I’m done Pretending you can stand alone I’m done Your words are worthless I’m done Hoping from this you will grow I’m sorry You fell and couldn’t get up I’m sorry Guilt controls all that you are I’m sorry You wear a mask of happiness...

A bad decision

A bad decision That I refuse to admit Justification to myself I lie, believe, and ignore What good sense I have left Independence is hearsay I’ve heard it all Saying nothing for my hesitations A test? Trial? Or mistake? Maybe a three in one deal Yet I stay Waiting for...

Hatred of yourself

Hatred of yourself Defeats love felt for me My love towards you Defeats self-hatred that used to be Knowing I am worthless Unable to kill your despise To me you are everything Putting all others aside I pray maybe love will grow Upon a heart that is unheeded Faith in...


Just stay Wait for me to come to you Don’t worry about standing up I can reach farther so you don’t have to Don’t talk The silence tells me all I need to know Let me say “I love you” I’ll pretend you love me also Don’t respond I understand You lost your heart I’m...