I often sit and ponder the mysteries of life I ask what the reason for so much unhappiness and strife After a few minutes thought the answer comes to me The answer is to be found in the decline of morality I think back to the days of my youth When life was based on...

2003 UB 313

The Americans claim to have discovered a new planet They have labelled it simply as 2003 UB 313 It might be a very exciting discovery But what effect will this have on you and me? 2003 UB 313 is just a lump of rock and ice Twice as far from the sun as the planet Pluto...


When the green of summer changes to an autumn glow, When the sun settles in the western skies, When the hours of sunlight get less and less each day, When the flowers of the field say their goodbyes, We can hear the music of the autumn requiem, Which reminds us that...


A man walked into a saloon at eight o’clock one friday night Went up to the bar and ordered three pints of beer The landlord said “It’s unusual to order three pints of beer for yourself” The man replied “Two are for my brothers who are not here” When the landlord...


I woke early in the morning and nothing could be heard But as I listened carefully I could hear the singing of a bird It was the early morning chorus bidding welcome to the day And listening to its singing that bird was heard to say Wake up, wake up everybody the sun...