Our Blog

“Ti..ll..y Go Home” (M25 Great Escape)

From East to West yon ‘Wagon Train’ rolls on Around ‘Das Capital’ – creating snag If heading North or South ‘all hope hath gone’ Should e’er confirm escape, my tail twud wag Each lane doth move along at said “snail’s pace” Acquaintance left or right may prove...

“Light of Life”

When drapes were drawn what light there was, twas you No need of lamp (as perched on table round) No need of candle’s glow midst ‘bill and coo’ Forever each (as bathed in sweet surround) A room so filled with love, naught else could hold Where thoughts on life didst...


A slowly setting sun radiates through The departing storm clouds that beat a retreat Back to a place beyond the darkened trees, Where, just moments earlier, heavy rain fell. Absorbed by the earth, its spent force and power Lies in a far-away field, where poppies...


I nothing know of death and war Or what took place in days of yore Not how the universe was made And what made Genghis Khan invade Or why the Earth goes round the sun Or why the rain makes me so glum I only know that Fate’s been kind And given me a fertile mind So I...


My Uncle Arthur was very kind to me When I was young he used to sit me on his knee And although it is many years since he passed away He still lives on in my memory So much so he is still part of my life Which my Doctor pointed out to me But it appears we have changed...


If you could paint a picture of a memory What would the subject of the painting be? Would it be of a happy time spent with your family? Or of a holiday spent by the sea? We all have memories that give us pleasure And there are those that we would like to forget The...