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In All Probability
Whilst some may search forever and a day In finding one compared to fragrant rose “Across a crowded room” twud seem cliché When set against romantic poets prose Yet there you where (as oft’ I’m wont to quote) At peace with self amongst respectful throng Twas then...
Midnight Veil
Tho I am wont to walk thru dreams at night Reality is just one blink away Whilst free to roam; engaged with each delight Awareness comes when light fills out the day Tis poets’ realm I seek past midnight hour Yon place which comes alive by dipping quill Where fairy...
Yet Now No Longer Spring
Of one whose lips (so soft) I’d dared to part Who touch’d my life in ways beyond express’ Is now both held in dreams and in my heart Doth fill the void existing to excess Tho dark the nights of Winter (loss may bring) I lightly turn to days once ushered in Midst...
The happiest people in the world today Are those who know they have a place in eternity Those who can repeat the facts of the Christian gospel And beside each fact insert a sincere and forever “for me” Jesus Christ the Son of God was born “for me” He died “for me’...
I see you in your comfy chair As if alone with vacant stare Thoughts maybe, of years gone bye A wistful glance a little sigh The girl I married no longer there sits as alone , its so unfair All is not as it used to be It breaks my heart and all can see A hurried trip...
Daylight is receding… Darkness takes its place. Dear Lord… we souls pleading Ask of thy fair grace. Pity thou our Fallen… Comfort them when they come. Bid them with thy calling To thy heavenly home. For each noble sacrifice… By air and land and sea… Take them into...