Christmas time

John opened his eyes on Christmas day a season of goodwill to all some say Over 30 years now since that Christmas day that he held his friend in his arms his life ebbing away 25th December 1967 a 19 year old marine slipped quietly away to heaven John cried so much in...

Brew Time

I have never enjoyed a cup of tea more Than with your mates on a hill when your knackered and sore The pain goes away with the jokes and the crack You cant even feel the Bergen blisters burst on your back The simple taste of the tea is not earl grey or PG Tips It...

Billy Smith

Billy Smith was out of luck Eighteen years old and sleeping rough His Dad in prison his Mum a whore Stealing car radios so he can score At night he cried himself to sleep In his cardboard box up a dingy street Billy Smith woke up today A dog-end for his breakfast ay?...


Shuffling down the street trying to keep warm The water was in his sock now, his boots seen better days As he had many moons ago when bristling with pride and youth Now hunched against a railway bridge his collar chaffed his kneck Smiling down at him a Labour poster...

Angels Wings

Such a feeling of happiness I have never felt Tears of pure joy so warm so loving My Mother welcomes me, I can smell her scent Rising up above the battlefield My comrades smile My enemies smile Flying home on the wings of...