At One With…

Laying down her sketchbook, young artist Freya, knelt by the flower bed musing on her inner thoughts, as ladybird chases aphid through petals and stalks to edge of the world. Soul of earth, in my veins. Alive in nature, never sleeping, resting but never sleeping, I am...


In no concept of time my inner song silenced when I was displaced from earthen roots – limb torn… Imbedded now in silted lake bed two thirds submerged waterlogged in depth of darkness… Nightmares , fear of fully drowning brachial artery just breaking...

Taraxacum officinale

Dried I am tea In root I am coffee I cleanse, I purify, restore balance. As wine I am a flavourful tonic; never meant to be the gardeners nemesis but the Chef’s friend tossed in a summer salad garnished with pansies. I am dandelion and when I seed I blow away –...


Sitting by the water at the end of the day I closed my eyes for awhile Thinking of how time was passing by Not noticed by the rank and file Of a society living life as best they might With what seems like the speed of light And here am I sat at the waterside As yet...


Settling back at the end of the day At the hush of eventide A stillness o’er the scene before you As though the whole world is pacified All the boats have come to moorings At the end of a busy day From a pastime that gives much pleasure All the sailors well satisfied...