A chilling wind and threatening sky Both make the daylight hours fly Swirling leaves that dance and play Upon the grass this Autumn day A nippy day for gloves and hat Just say “Hello” don’t stop to chat Then throw your ball and let your dog Enjoy his play before the...

Recollection (Winter Childhood Morning 1960’s)

Jack Frost impressionistic inside of bedroom window. Lino sharp cold, on warm feet, muffled hunting for comfort of slippers. Down to gloom-shadow living room, single light bulb tries, but never quite makes it into every corner. Two bar electric fire perch on edge of...


Bitter cold growls like a circling dog. At first, just a warning, a hint of white mist. Closing in, dog nips at polar heels, then Wham! In for the killer bite immobilising fingers


In seven days or maybe ten The leaves will start to turn again Bringing Autumn’s glorious hues And those impending Winter blues Some sunshine helps to ease the pain As Summer pleasures start to wane Those Autumn skies will turn to grey And hide the Sun ‘most every day...