La Mer (berceau des rêves)

Held whispers caught in shells (divest of sound) Hath linger’d long until such time to fly Beyond the seas where hope filled dreams abound On Gull like wings traversing azure sky Perchance love’s call may yet invoke response If harken’d to by one attuned to same A...

Rid the Night of Grey

Now cloak’d in shadows (form’d thru sacrifice) ‘The Darkness’ comes when least expected to For those among who paid said ‘highest price’ Such ‘torments’ doth avoid within review Yet each in turn would gladly suffer same Perchance life’s path twas set on diff’rent...

“Don’t Leave Me This Way”

Within ‘The Keep’ I’ve now been kept (confused) No charge of treason, nor of Regicide Above my head a gibbet hangs (unused) Such cost incurred, as here I now reside Twas early morn before the Sun’s arise As I didst formulate the day’s advance Yon ramparts to be...

“To Feel My Daughter’s Kiss”

Thru ‘call of life’ which took me far from home Beyond yon windswept shores, o’er mountains high Across said ‘seven seas’ was free to roam Yet none couldst know the pain in each goodbye Adventure beckoned from an early age (Such wanderlust I held for distant lands)...

“Should This Day Without Me Dawn”

Remember me who once did pass this way Who felt the warmth of Sun upon their face Who dreamt thru darkest nights of brand new day In learning how to love, didst life embrace Somehow I’ve bid existence “au revoir” Unknowing that which now hath come too soon...