
I’ve studied the habits of beasts of burden The Oxen, Mule , Donkey and Horse But now I’ve researched on a different animal None but the Humble Camel of course Always in evidence since pre Biblical times In Asia, Africa and Australia too As beasts of burden &...

Yesterday’s Menu Today

“Twere four” she said, expressing train of thought As I whilst reading ‘Special’ licked my lips “Had ordered more, tho none as yet have brought” (By way of explanation; midst her quips) Upon the board, there mark’d for all to see Twas ‘Liver of the Lambs’ (to grace...

The City of San Buenaventura

I decided to look on the West Coat At California a State of the U S of A To create an image of life there Back to the times of yesterday Ventura was the place that attracted me The City of Buenaventura as it was known Shisholop in Chumach the native town From which...

Winged Coronets

Midst iridescent hue of coal black wings Their oily feathers clipped (whilst hid from sight) Twud seem a tad extreme, in cause of Kings Whose realm may fall (should they perchance take flight) Imagining ‘Beelzebub’ at play Satanic beaks point out from watchful eyes...


A man walked into a saloon at eight o’clock one friday night Went up to the bar and ordered three pints of beer The landlord said “It’s unusual to order three pints of beer for yourself” The man replied “Two are for my brothers who are not here” When the landlord...

Second Sight

Reflected in tired eyes you’ll surely see A timeless gaze encompassing denial Resulting from said prayer and hopeful plea Such weariness of heart thru endless trial Tis true they are the windows of our soul Revealing of emotion and held thought Yet clear becomes...