You can’t always get what you want

Whizzz, Bang, “blimey that one was close “ I stammered. “Na,” said eddie, “ the buggers’ are just trying to keep us awake”. “Whaddyamean Ed”. “It’s their way of stopping us getting any kip, they just lob a shell over to keep us awake, you can set your watch by ’em”. I...

Woolies for Jim

Under the grey shadows of a long, narrow room lay twelve little mattresses. Upon these rested twelve little forms, some curled up into foetal positions, some with an arm and a leg outstretched as if running a silent marathon, some on their backs with their mouths...

Home of the brave

The man who is going to kill me looks sad, sick and afraid. He stands a little off balance, leaning into the deed, right foot defaulting to a twitchy toe movement. He is afraid in a way we have no similes for. They always involve pi*****, sh******, soiling yourself in...

A never ending story

The boys sat cross legged in the shade. The older one wore a holed shirt, once white, now grey with the dust of rubble from the shattered house. His brother wore a man’s shirt he had found over his tee shirt. They had managed to gather some other loot from the ruin in...

War Land

For a million men may fall, And the world can remain, But the smallest of wars, The whole world can change. Sayid clambered nervously over the trench wall. He had been trained and tutored in the art of war, taught the principles of survival, but it wasn’t hypothetical...