A good Dad

I’ve tried to remember what makes a good Dad Like he’s always there whenever I’m sad He’s taken for granted throughout his life Special occasions are left to his wife But father’s day makes me think of the times You put me to bed and told nursery rhymes Being so young...


An Inn keeper stood at the golden gates, His head was bent and low, He meekly asked the man of fate The way that he should go. What have you done St Peter said to seek admission here? “I kept an hotel down below for many and many a year” St Peter opened...

Daddy’s Day

It’s Daddy’s day my daughter said, I made a card is Dad in bed? We made his tea with biscuits too And sneaked upstairs (he had no clue) There he was fast asleep And out the end we saw his feet We said “Surprise it’s Daddy’s day” He woke all sleepy and said...