Sleep tight

From the darkest depths of night, Sleepless, but tired, try as you might, From the darkest depths of your mind, You look, but Oblivion you will not find, Sometimes I am awake, near through the night. Deeply you look into your soul, A few hours, that is your goal,...


Down, down I feel so low. Trapped in a tunnel, with nowhere to go. Cut myself off from all my friends, I’ll work this out in the end. Dark, dark that feeling inside… Nothing looks good; I just want to hide. There must be some people in whom I can confide,...

The Dawn

July twenty seventh two thousand and nine A mammogram check, well worth the time I wait in the car so I don’t have to pay Then Debs made that call on her mobile to say I might have the cancer, (I heard her voice shake) The seconds took minutes, please let me awake? I...

Swine Flu

Oink oink pink pig I think you’ve given me the flu I’m full of aches and pains Coughs and sneezes too Bugs are flying everywhere When people round me sneeze Have they not read the posters? ‘Catch it, bin it, kill it’ please The doctor will not see me He’s diagnosed me...

Shining Angel

For God’s sake, don’t judge her as she is now, she was once a most elegant beauty. All the young men would salute in awe as serving her country was her duty. She never had a home or family of her own there just never seemed to be the time. When the day came she hung...