
Along the road outside, petrol-driven demons Demonstrate their wills; hurtling sermons To some modern, mechanical Hell. Fire and Damnation may delve and dwell In ‘Priestley’ minds, but God Cars career To some greater, better Hell, we hear. Faster, faster,...


A child’s screeched retort, distorted by young sport childrens’ swarming transport in the car-harbour port. Loud-voiced anger rebounds, tantrum-tempered sounds echo ‘midst summer’s day. Afternoon’s angered play beneath the hot sun’s...

A Dull Day

A dying tree stands beneath my window, rent and torn by wind and weather, its skin a coloured orange from the fungal Rusts. The sky has a sheened-grey, dull aspect and desolate drizzle hides the distance. Stark trees standing forlorn and water-logged, their remnants...

The Garden

The sun-warmed smell of turpentine pine in the late afternoon to dusk sunshine. Four eider ducks are nestled together, rustling their feathers, beside the river. Riots of sunbeams scatter their warm light to catch the airy, flowing swallow’s flight. A red...