My Mam she was a funny old bird She always said it wrong “ If I’m not in, then I’ll be out ! “ We had to laugh along We’d come in after drinking With throbbing sore bad heads She always had us terrified She said “ You’ll wake up dead ! “ “ I’ve left the gas on ! “ she...


A pinch of love A tablespoon of tenderness A hint of sympathy A touch of caress And a teaspoon of tears Mix these together in a touching bowl Bake slowly in the warmth of our love And you’ll have the most wonderful cake I could ever give...


Weigh a few words of two or more Add breaking lines to tease Stir in a message or metaphor Plus a rhythm that rhymes with ease Bake with mental expressions galore Then serve with a blending to please.

Clippetty Clop – Cloppenburg Clop!

Clippetty Clop, clippetty clop, clippetty clippetty clippetty clop, Clippetty clop, clippetty clop, Clop – clop, clippetty clop. But why, why, oh why do we clop? Clippetty clop, clippetty clop, Clip – clop, clippetty clop. To clop clip Cloppenburg we clop,...

Here I Sit…

Here I sit, broken hearted, Shortly after my game started, Up it popped and started wailing, “One of your hard disks is failing!!” Closed the game (took simply ages), Checked the logs, God there were pages. Warning real, Disk 2 going slow, getting ready to...