Rhodesia/Zimbabwe 1980

The Township buildings etched out sharp Against the orange Sun A silhouette of blackness The colours slowly run The morning mist is melting Exposing ground so dry The bones of fallen soldiers Picked clean by vultures high Who did these men belong to What stories could...

The Amorous Shower Curtain

Why does it always follow me When I get in the shower ? I must act like a magnet Exuding some strange power It moves along as I move Drawn to my skin With threads that are invisible The dance it does begin We dance along the shower tray Synchronised as one Nearly...

The Thinking Soldier

A certain soldier ( who is not a million miles from this keyboard ), stationed in Germany in 1974, was trying to wind up his Troop Sergeant, Johnny Luck. ” What would you do if I called you a ‘ Tosser ‘ ? ” Sergeant Luck was shocked. ”...

The pea that saved the Biro

I’m a little Biro I scribble night and day I used to be a writer But my ink ran out today I’m what you call a ‘ Throwaway ‘ My ink has all ran dry My writer’s block has started If I had ink, I’d cry I know I’m destined for the bin I’m no use to them now My ballpoint...

The missing pillows

My Wife she ate her pillows At least I thought she had They weren’t there in the morning I thought that she’d gone mad I questioned her when she awoke ‘ Where have your pillows gone ? You must remember something ‘ But answers, she had none ‘ I dreamed of large...