Keep the Faith

While I lay wailing on the floor , With closed windows and tightly bolted doors ; Somehow , somewhere , the happiness lay dead , I looked at the mirror and shrieked with dread ; Where’s the old face gone , the delightfulness , the charm, And the grotesque face...

A Sacrifice Remembered

The man sat. He coughed a lot. He told war stories. He had been a coal miner for decades. Before that he had served with quiet distinction In the Great War. He was the boy’s friend. The man, it was said, worked only when he could. ‘Could’, the boy heard people say,...

Raw Recruit

You’ve joined the Army to be a Soldier That’s all you ever wanted to be To learn to be a Professional man Away from your Family And now as you walk through the barrack gates Do you think your decision was right ‘cos now you‘re part of the Military world And not a...

The Summer Rain

Now April’s here has Winter passed Will we see the weather change From the cold grey skies and windy chill To travel through Natures climate range Torrential rain on the window sill Snow showers perhaps hail and sleet These are all the conditions that make An English...

Empty Teacups

The knock came at night, crashing into the midnight stillness. Pulling the bedclothes high, I encased myself in their security Abject fear engulfing every muscle, every sinew in my body. Dad was the one who moved, sliding bare feet into slippers As if they were placed...

Dear Lord,

Please give me the strength I need to make it through the days Through the nights that seem so endlessly long And yet the dawn of day rises so quick Allow me the serenity to move on with the gliding days Not to be bitter, but to deal with the consequences of life...